Yes, today’s game is a challenging platformer called Welcome Back to 2007, and like so many games in the black hole of Steam, there’s somehow less to this one than meets the eye. You can check out the video below: [youtube m9HZ4mrseK0]...
I always play this game at least a few times if I come across it in the wild. You have to play it, the game's sound dominates any space it's in. You can here Robocop say, "Drop it." across the arcade, heck, from outside the arcade into the parking lot. The sound effect of...
“A Flash of Nat”by Karima Hoisan on YouTube Posted on February 21, 2025 by Karima Hoisan Natascha Pilot This is a nostalgic tribute to my SL fallen creative partner, Natascha Randt, who passed away in 2021 from heart failure. Filmed on my world in Kitely Virtual Worlds, “The ...
These platforms suffer from a variety of ills, and you’ll probably need to upgrade soon, if you haven’t already. Onward, toward ‘Trusted Computing’ If the WMF situation changes in a significant way, I’ll bring you new information here in the Windows Secrets Newsletter. In addition, ...
Kristof’s excellent piece is here [you’ll have to click through to Youtube]: You can also follow this link to listen to Halima Kaga, a 32-year old Nuban woman living in the Yida refugee camp, describe her experiences and plead for justice. It’s easy to feel utterly helpless when ...
2012.06 [malwarebytes] You dirty RAT! Part 1: DarkComet 2012.04 [trendmicro] Fake Skype Encryption Software Cloaks DarkComet Trojan 2012.04 [toolswatch] DarkComet-RAT Remote Administration Tool v5.1.1 released 2012.03 [quequero] DarkComet Analysis – Understanding the Trojan used in Syrian Uprising 201...
Soldering is one of many skills that will empower you to do just that. In this tutorial we will go over the basics of through-hole soldering -- also known as plated through-hole soldering (PTH), discuss the tools needed, go over techniques for proper soldering, and show you where you ...
So it seems to me that the issue lies in port forwarding. I did not try to test if it was firewall blocking, but part of me doubts that. My Primary Question: For C#'s System.Net.Socket library, how can I simply achieve a "peer-to-peer" WAN connection between ...
Check out Mike Malaska youtube videos. He has several where he talks about golf swing and baseball. He was a pretty good at both, and now makes some comparisons that benefit the golf swing. “We don’t stop playing the game because we get old; we get old because we stop playing the...
“You listening Carol, I think you are a prize package and VERY feminine… {…} I sure do Mr. engineer and I don’t have to look in a test tube to find out.”–Steve The extent of Steve Abbott’s philosophizing “Close enough to the man in the moon to talk to him.” As Bill...