Good news from Antarctica: The hole in the ozone layer is shrinking, new measurements reveal. Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. It's relatively highly concentrated in a particular layer of the stratosphere about 12 miles to 19 miles above Earth's surface. This ozone layer preve...
THE HOLE in the ozone layer over Antarctica is about to start shrinking and will close by 2050, Australian researchers say. Government scientists at Cape Grim in Tasmania said scientific data showed the level of ozone-depleting chlorine in the atmosphere was declining because of the ban on the ...
"This is the first convincing evidence that the healing of the Antarctic ozone hole has now started," Dr. Markus Rex from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Germany told the BBC. "Right now the state of the ozone layer is still really bad, but I find it very...
The depletion in 2012 was smaller than any time in the past 10 years. (Image credit: BIRA/IASB) Good news from Antarctica: The hole in the ozone layer is shrinking, new measurements reveal. Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. It's relatively highly concentrated in a ...
The ozone hole normally fluctuates in size during the year, but "this is very abnormal," says NASA researcher Paul Newman. The incredible shrinking ozone hole. (Earth News/Graph It!) Despite the enormous attention devoted to the massive springtime loss of stratospheric ozone in the Southern Hemi...
In fact, it has shrunk to the smallest it has been since 1988.However, scientists say that the smaller ozone hole is not a sign that it is healing.According to Ms. Pappas:“It [ozone hole shrinking] is a side effect of the Antarctic vortex – a low-pressure system that rotates ...
A United Nations scientific report says Earth's protective ozone layer is slowly but noticeably healing.
A record-size hole in the ozone layer has been detected over the North Pole, but it should disappear in a few weeks.
Source of man-made stratospheric chlorine responsible for global and Antarctic stratospheric ozone depletion; Hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica; Response to the continuing global adherence to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on international CFC reduction....
Researchers first discovered the hole in the ozone layer overAntarcticamore than 30 years ago. The new report credits the shrinking ozone hole to a worldwide ban on chlorofluorocarbons. CFCs once were commonly used in many products, including aerosols, cleaning substances, refrigerators and plastics....