Definition of hole-in-one noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
1 - 9 of 9 hole in one logo designsWelcome to our Hole in One Logo Collection! Whether you're a golf enthusiast, a golf course owner, or organizing a golf tournament, our logo maker at BrandCrowd has got you covered. We understand the importance of a strong and memorable logo to repre...
Instagram:golfspy_kft Location: Reedsburg, WI Handicap:16.0 JoinedApr 2018 PostedMarch 13, 2023 At the age of 33, I’d have to say hole in one. Though, scoring 33 on 18 would be a record to never be broken! richk9holes,sirchunksalotandcksurfdude ...
The meaning of HOLE is an opening through something : perforation. How to use hole in a sentence.
The meaning of HOLE is an opening through something : perforation. How to use hole in a sentence.
7golfa)aholein thegroundthat youtryto get theballinto in thegameofgolfb)one part of agolfcoursewith thiskindof hole at oneend 8→hole in one 9→make a hole in something 10→be in a hole 11→be in the hole 12→need/want something like a hole in the head ...
5. The phrase "hole in one" in golf refers to a player hitting the ball directly into the hole in one stroke, which is a significant achievement in the sport.6. Keep in mind that "hole" can be part of larger words or phrases, such as "black hole" (a term used in ... strike the ball into a hole: He holed out in five, one over par. to go into a hole; retire for the winter, as a hibernating animal. to hide, as from pursuers, the police, etc.: The police think the bank robbers are holed up in Chicago. ...
Hole in one Most folk are probably aware of the meaning of a hole-in-one, even if they're not addicted to golf (a waste of good flying fields in my opinion). In case you're not conversant with it, a hole-in-one occurs when a golfer gets his golf bal... B Winch - 《Rcm &...
🕳Meaning and Description 🕳 is a straightforward representation of a hole. It's a black, circular shape that's typically used to represent a pit or a hole in the ground. There's no fancy color or unique expression, just a simple, black circle. This emoji can be used in a ...