2. keep down, fix, freeze, keep low, peg down rates necessary to hold down inflation hold something in suppress, repress, smother, hold something back, keep something in, choke something back, fight something back Go ahead and cry. Don't hold it in. ...
Definition of Holding in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Holding? Meaning of Holding as a finance term. What does Holding mean in finance?
2. keep down, fix, freeze, keep low, peg down rates necessary to hold down inflation hold something in suppress, repress, smother, hold something back, keep something in, choke something back, fight something back Go ahead and cry. Don't hold it in. ...
owned by an individual or a business. The legal principle derived from a judicial decision. That part of the written opinion of a court in which the law is specifically applied to the facts of the instant controversy. It is relied upon when courts use the case as an established precedent ...
don't hold your breath, meaning "don't expect it, it's not likely," as inThey may get married this summer, but don't hold your breath. This expression in effect implies it is unwise to stop breathing until a particular event occurs, since it may never come to pass. [Slang; mid-...
“Can’t hold a candle to” is a popular expression.When there wasn’t electricity someone would have a servant light his way by holding a candle.The expression meant that the person who cannot hold a candle to you is not fit even to be your servant.Now,it means such a person cannot...
One came out of a supermarket box, meaning it was probably harvested before it is fully grown, immediately placed in a forced-air cooling unit, loaded onto a refrigerated truck and driven hundreds of miles. By the time it reached the plate two weeks may have passed. The other strawberry ...
David couldn’t pack up, having bragged to every breathing being in the campground of his mad skillz and Eagle Scoutness. So, he backed the brand new car to the tent. We surreptitiously repacked the car and then, rather than taking our tent down, he shoved it in to the trunk and we...
For a left-hand half-fist, then right-hand put the left on the top. Next, watch each other, raise hands to brow(额头) and bend down. 5. Also, you could say some lucky greeting each other for three times.A. Now let's learn more about it....
Money ends up in the wrong places: When a holding company has lots of different businesses, it's like having several bank accounts but not being able to move money among them quickly enough. Maybe the furniture business needs cash right now to buy new equipment, but most of the company's...