A CHARACTERIZATION OF Lp-NORM WITH THE AID OF EQUALITY CONDITION IN THE HOLDER INEQUALITYdoi:10.1515/dema-1999-0118Janusz MatkowskiJiirg RatzS. Karger AGNephron Clinical Practice
consequenceofJensen'sinequality——as istheconditionforequality. Iftheseco 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 janes66 分享于2015-05-31 14:46
实分析与复分析8-Jnensen,Holder's inequaliyi 实分析与复分析 LiebLoss Jf(x)J(f)V(f(x)f),x,Jf(x)J(f)V(f(x)f),Jf(x),Jf(x)0,Jf(x)0,Jf(x)...
The well-known Holder inequality is generalized and refined, a condition at which the equality holds is obtained. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. [References: 2]Yang XJ.Applied mathematics and computationYang, X: A note on Holder inequality. Appl. Math. Comput. 134, 319...
Thus, minimising the complex set of constraints inhibiting land use and transfer rights among women will improve land productivity, reduce poverty and gender inequality, and enhance economic growth. Since males farm their plots much more intensively than their female counterparts, the female landholders...