In 1937, Howe Sound Company built the town of Holden, Washington, to support its copper-mining operation at Copper Peak, located in the North Cascade Mountains, approximately 10 miles west of Lake Chelan. The operation produced concentrate from 1937 to 1957, during which time the town was ...
Wilderness Access Limited at Holden VillageAccess to the Glacier Peak Wilderness through Holden Village offLake Chelan will be limited this...Landers, Rich
Metal ions may eventually be transported, either in solution or as particulates, into Lake Chelan. Based on our data and geochemical modeling we show that under ambient moderate- flow conditions, goethite [FeO(OH)] of the ferricrete is stable, and has the ability to retain other, more ...
The mine is located in north-central Washington State, U.S., near Lake Chelan in the area shown as Holden Village in Figure 1. Although Rio Tinto never owned or operated the mine, they are managing and funding a several hundred million dollar clean-up to prevent future water and soil ...