1111 SW Holden St, Seattle,WA98106 $625,943 Redfin Estimate 3 Beds 2.5 Baths 1,530 Sq Ft About this home West Seattle home features on the entry level with ceramic tile entry, bedroom with entry to fenced backyard and garden space. Main floor features bamboo floors, living room with gas...
2708 SW Holden (lot 16) St, Seattle, WA 98126 3beds 2baths 2,237sqft Est. refi payment:$5,896/mo Refinance your loan SingleFamily Built in 2018 3,920 sqft lot $977,500 Zestimate® $437/sqft $-- HOA Sell for more than others on Zillow ...
View 14 pictures of the 20 units for 923-925 SW Holden St - 923-925 SW Holden St Seattle WA | Zillow, as well as Zestimates and nearby comps. Find the perfect place to live.
2414a SW Holden St, Seattle, WA 98106, USA 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Boss Drive-In ¥67/人 快餐简餐 直线距离1.5km Salvadorean Bakery 4.0 分 1条点评 ¥137/人 西餐 直线距离1.9km Li'l Woody's ...