Release device for hold open door closersdoi:US3094200 ASchlage, Ernest L.US
Heat releasable device for hold open door closersdoi:US2859842 ASchlage Ernest L
The modular hold-open device is configured to be mounted to the door closer, to selectively prevent rotation of the pinion by exerting on the pinion a resistive torque in a door-opening direction, and to cease exerting the resistive torque in response to a door-closing torque on the pinion ...
The latent demand for electromechanical-pneumatic door controls, closers, and checking devices with hold-open mechanism released by integral or remote smoke detector is not actual or historic sales. Nor is latent demand future sales. In fact, latent demand can be lower either lower or higher than...
Fusible link device for hold open door closersdoi:US2954106 ASchlage, Ernest LUSUS2954106 * 1954年8月24日 1960年9月27日 Schlage Lock Co Fusible link device for hold open door closers