Hold Morning六色水果卡通lipgloss不沾杯套装水润唇釉不掉色口红 义乌市姿其化妆品有限公司 2年 回头率: 30.4% 浙江 金华市 ¥7.24 纯欲风口红学生党不易掉色沾杯素颜显白哑光雾面裸色小众品牌唇釉 邹城益庆隆贸易商行(个体工商户) 1年 回头率: 11.1% 河南 漯河市郾城区 ¥...
< p > Angelababy (Angela Baby): bright golden brown large eyes eye makeup, lovely pink laugh muscles, glossy orange pink lip gloss is very sweet and pleasant, and the combination of the veil and the hoop is more witty. < /p > < p style= "text-align: center" > img border= "0"...
However, Qi Wei chose a more colorful purple lipstick with lip gloss and black smoked eye makeup. It can only be regarded as a retro trend. With modern dress, there is no complete detail of "hold sister", and the sense of fun crossing is greatly reduced....