The website is smooth and intuitive, so online purchases are effortless. Trying to compare different tourist-friendly SIM plans in a foreign country, where English may not be widely spoken, has always been a royal pain in the butt. Not to mention, having to remember to bring my passport al...
搭車方式可以購入 EZ-Link 卡或 NETS FlashPay 卡(類似台灣悠遊卡概念),這兩張卡便利商店或機場都可購買。如果一天會搭很多趟,可以在某些熱門指定旅遊景點購入 Tourist Pass,可以享有地鐵巴士搭到飽服務!如果懶得買卡,其實地鐵和巴士刷卡機也可直接用信用卡,但信用卡需有免接觸支付功能。 新加坡自由行景點推薦 新加...
在本文中,我们将让你进一步了解,如何在日本使用价格实惠的 SIM卡,确保你的手机能透过值得信赖的国际数据网络供应商,连上稳定的无线网络。我们也会推荐国际数据eSIM卡,并与你分享Holafly所提供的无限数据流量eSIM卡,如何让你随时随地轻松连线上网,与好朋友们保持紧密联系。
TrueMobile H Tourist SIM card This operator is well known in the country and its cards can even be found at the airport. However, in this case, it is better to bring it from your country and not put yourself at risk while you are at the airport.International eSIM for traveling to ...