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PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a training shoes for gait technique that has been developed based on a footwork of Hokushin Itto Ryu swordsmanship style having rational footwork style, the gait technique requiring: to maintain a posture; to fix eyesight without vertically moving the eyes; to ...
幕末期の江戸の剣術道場のうちの代表的な三つの道場を江戸三大道場といい玄武館はその一つに数えられていました。 北辰一刀流は江戸時代後期に千葉周作成政が創始した剣術と薙刀術の流派です。 夏合宿の一コマ。玄武館では夏合宿や年越し稽古など、普段の稽古の他に様々なイベントがあります。
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The Hokushin Ittō-ryū teaches the following fighting methods since its foundation in order to prepare its kenshi (swordsmen) to succeed in a fight of life and death on the battlefield, as well as in duels. Kenjutsu:Kenjutsu, is the art of fighting with a katana or wakizashi: the famous...
Makimono of the Hokushin Ittō-ryū Hyōhō The techniques and teachings of the Hokushin Ittō-ryū Hyōhō are transmitted in three levels. Those levels are: Shoden:Shoden is thebeginning level of the transmission. In it, the student learns the basic movements and techniques of the school. It...