Gran Class on the JR East Shinkansen is the ultimate luxery of high speed rail travel. #jreast #granclass #hayabusashinkansen #japan #hayabusa #luxerytravel #shinkansen #tohoku #tohokushinkansen A post shared by Japan Rail Pass (@jrpass) on Nov 14, 2017 at 1:16am PSTFind out where to ...
Con el Hokuriku Arch Pass, viaja sin límites en los trenes JR de la región de Hokuriku, desde Tokio a Osaka. ¡Te contamos como conseguir tu pase regional!
Hokuriku Arch Pass:Taking you from Tokyo to Osaka via Kanazawa and Tsuruga, this pass gives you 7 days of travel for just¥30,000. It includes travel from Narita and Haneda airports, all Hokuriku services, the Noto Peninsula, Nara, Kobe, and plenty more. Read our full guide to the Hok...
Order your Hokuriku Arch Pass You canactivate your JR Passin many of the main train stations. These include but are not limited to the Travel Service Centers in Nagano andTokyo Station, and the Nippon Travel Agency branch at Kanazawa Station. If you wish to make aseat reservation, visit a ...
新幹線eチケット(通常期)の価格(片道の「乗車券+指定席特急券+グリーン券」のセット価格/単位:円) 北陸新幹線(はくたか・あさま・つるぎ)・グランクラス(飲料・軽食なし)用 安中榛名 軽井沢 佐久平 上田 長野 飯山 上越妙高 糸魚川 黒部宇奈月温泉 富山 新高岡 金沢 小松 加賀温泉 芦...