首先,打开原版文件的common\national_focus,你看到的文件就是国策树文件。 通过观察,我们发现,钢4国策树框架如下: focus_tree = { id = country = { factor = modifier = { add = tag = } } default = continuous_focus_position = { x = y = } factor = focus = { id = icon = relative_positio...
首先,每一个MOD文件都会被分为 1.代码部分(code) 2.描述部分(desc)代码部分即我们修改的路径为%steamapp%common\hearts of iron 4\目录下绝大多数的文档格式包括.gfx .txt .yml等等例如试图为沙特创建一个focus(国策)时,我们可以在%steamapp%common\hearts of iron 4\common\national_focus\目录下创建一个*...
Check if the mod is up to date with the most recent patch for HoI4. Once a new expansion comes out, you may have to wait a few days, weeks, or even months for bigger mods, until the mod is updated. Thankfully, HoI4 will give you a warning if you’re about to load a mod that...
hoi4treesnap generates Hearts of Iron IV focus tree screenshots screenshottreefocusnationalhoi4hearts-of-iron-4hoi4mod UpdatedAug 31, 2022 Go HoI4-LOTRMod-Team/HoI4-LotrMod Star15 Code Issues Pull requests Lotr Mod for HoI4 steammodhoi4hoi4mod ...
hoi4ModUtilities.featureFlagsarrayofstringFeature flags are used to disable or enable features. Reloading is required after changing this. Please refer toWikion Github for details. GUI of focus tree can't be configured like technology tree. ...
例如试图为沙特创建一个focus(国策)时,我们可以在%steamapp%common\hearts of iron 4\common\national_focus\目录下创建一个*.txt或者*.lua文件,在这个文件内编写的代码就是被游戏执行后处理的内 31027 星律动吧 猎刀奥古斯都 【HOI4】v战mod 星律动战报想了想再不打可能就没机会了,虽然原来已经打过一次了 ...
例如试图为沙特创建一个focus(国策)时,我们可以在%steamapp%common\hearts of iron 4\common\national_focus\目录下创建一个*.txt或者*.lua文件,在这个文件内编写的代码就是被游戏执行后处理的内 31030 明日方舟吧 疾风剁死雌火龙 【明日方舟X钢铁雄心】HOI4 MOD法老的野望(NAG的Submod) https://steamcommunity...
focus(国策)时,我们可以在%steamapp%common\hearts of iron 4\common\national_focus\目录下创建一个*.txt或者*.lua文件,在这个文件内编写的代码就是被游戏执行后处理的内 31030 钢铁雄心4吧 记忆留声古城巷 hoi4 新dlc同步适配新版本的mod在钢铁雄心4新dlc:Arms Against Tyranny发售之前,p社已经与一些大型mod...
只有少数幸运的碎片和点 8416851 少女前线吧 嘉鼠鼠鼠鼠😇 HOI4少女前线mod《新秩序-少女前线:变革前奏》 TNO-GFL: Prelude to Change 官方简介 时年2062年,一切尚未天翻地覆…… 第三次世界大战席卷全球,国家灭亡,千万人为之牺牲,地球化作一片焦土。在其灰烬之上崛起了各色派系,其中就有格里芬与克鲁格、KCCO...
hoi4treesnap generates Hearts of Iron IV focus tree screenshots screenshottreefocusnationalhoi4hearts-of-iron-4hoi4mod UpdatedAug 31, 2022 Go hmlendea/more-cultural-names Star19 Code Issues Pull requests Mod for various strategy games, that dynamically changes the province names based on the ruler...