Pauses the game after X hours have passed after command is called pp Aliases: fuhrer_mana, political_power Arguments: PP amount Gives political power to player prep_for_war Arguments: <TAG> Make AI country with specified TAG to prepare fight for another country prevent_operative_detection Preve...
Add command power event or daily gain buff. Github: <> # Changelog 180211 1. Puppet function. 2. Control neighbor states function. 3. Adjust some old function (Manpower etc.). # Changelog 180325 * Change Event Triggers:...
check if autonomy state is higher than other one, example: compare_autonomy_state > puppet compare_intel_with Supported Scopes: COUNTRY Supported Targets: THIS, ROOT, PREV, FROM, OWNER, CONTROLLER, OCCUPIED, CAPITAL Compare the intel of the scoped country with the specified one: GER = { #...
Pauses the game after X hours have passed after command is called pp Aliases: fuhrer_mana, political_power Arguments: PP amount Gives political power to player prep_for_war Arguments: <TAG> Make AI country with specified TAG to prepare fight for another country prevent_operative_detection Preve...