whitepeace [Country Tag] [Country Tag]This command creates ‘white peace’ between the two countries chosen with the [Country Tag]. What this means is that things revert back to the way they were before war was initiated. winwarsGive your country the maximum possible war score for any and ...
White peace with the specified countries. window Aliases: wnd Arguments: Arguments: open/close, window gui name Opens or closes the specified window xp Arguments: XP amount Gives Army, navy and air experience to player All Tweakable Variables Tweakable variables have a type which defines how the...
Occupy at least one space from Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and then capitulate Canada (if you want to also get the Raj at this point, feel free to declare on them as well; if Pakistan has spawned, wait for them to White Peace with India before declaring on them, since ...
White peace with the specified countries. window Aliases: wnd Arguments: Arguments: open/close, window gui name Opens or closes the specified window xp Arguments: XP amount Gives Army, navy and air experience to player All Tweakable Variables Tweakable variables have a type which defines how the...