Sets the acclimatization on a division(s). add_autonomy add_core Arguments: <Province ID> Add core add_critical_hit Arguments: <critical_hit_name> add critical hit to selected ships add_diplo Adds diplomatic entroute add_equipment Aliases: ae Arguments: equipment amount, equipment name Gives...
all_core_state Supported Scopes: COUNTRY Supported Targets: none Check if all of the country core states for the scope meets the trigger. tooltip=key can be defined to override title all_country Supported Scopes: any Supported Targets: none check if all countries meets the trigger. tooltip=ke...
Sets the randomcount to 0 or arg acclimatization Aliases: acc Arguments: <climate_name>, <value 0-100> Sets the acclimatization on a division(s). add_autonomy add_core Arguments: <Province ID> Add core add_critical_hit Arguments: <critical_hit_name> add critical hit to...