deltat [speed multiplier]With this command, players can change the speed of different animations in the game. The number specified is supposed to be a multiplier. So 2 would double the speed, while 0.5 would half the speed. focus.autocompleteThe command allows for immediate completion of all ...
Remember that most mods are not compatible with Hearts of Iron 4’s Ironman mode, as they change game balance. If you’re achievement hunting, you’ll need to find those mods that will tell you in their descriptions that they’re Ironman compatible. Finally, sometimes it takes a while for...
Locks Air Efficiency for a country, omit efficiency value to reset manpower Arguments: <Amount> Adds manpower to player map_icon_reload_type Arguments: <NUM> or <help> Not available in release build Specify a map icon type to reload mapmode Arguments: Mapmode type (int) Change mapmode...