This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with thetag ...
Locks Air Efficiency for a country, omit efficiency value to reset manpower Arguments: <Amount> Adds manpower to player map_icon_reload_type Arguments: <NUM> or <help> Not available in release build Specify a map icon type to reload mapmode Arguments: Mapmode type (int) Change mapmode...
has_manpower_for_recruit_change_to has_max_planning has_military_access_to has_mined has_mines has_nationality has_navy_experience has_navy_ledger has_navy_size has_non_aggression_pact_with has_occupation_modifier has_offensive_war has_offensive_war_with has_operation_token has_opinion has_opin...
Locks Air Efficiency for a country, omit efficiency value to reset manpower Arguments: <Amount> Adds manpower to player map_icon_reload_type Arguments: <NUM> or <help> Not available in release build Specify a map icon type to reload mapmode Arguments: Mapmode type (int) Change mapmode...
Locks Air Efficiency for a country, omit efficiency value to reset manpower Arguments: <Amount> Adds manpower to player map_icon_reload_type Arguments: <NUM> or <help> Not available in release build Specify a map icon type to reload mapmode Arguments: Mapmode type (int) ...