help [command name] 输出所有的控制台指令或者指定指令的介绍。 Focus.AutoComplete 允许国策立刻完成 对 AI 有效 Focus.NoChecks 无视国策的条件 对 AI 有效 Focus.IgnorePrerequisites 无视国策前提要求 允许从国策树中间开始点国策 Decision.NoChecks 无视决策的条件 同样不会消耗政治点数 instant_prepare 立刻准备...
在《Hearts of Iron IV》(即hoi4)中,你可以通过控制台输入一系列代码来获得各种效果。以下是一些常用的控制台代码及其功能: focus.autocomplete:瞬间完成国策。 focus.nochecks:忽略进行国策的前提条件。 focus.ignoreprerequisites:无视前置国策,直接选择后续国策。 event.nocheck:跳过进行决议的前提条件。 allowdiplo:解...
research_on_icon_click 所有科技研发完成 research all 国家国策瞬间完成(选择国策时无效,需要等国策完成时再输入)(对ai有效) Focus.AutoComplete 无视国策的条件(对ai有效) Focus.NoChecks 陆、海军立刻完成训练(对ai有效) it 外交与政z 快速建立合作zf collaboration 注:先右键一个国家,用控制台输入collaboration ...
Focus.IgnorePrerequisitesfocus.ignoreprerequisitesThis command allows for the ignoring of focus prerequisites. Decision.NoChecksdecision.nochecksThis command allows for the ignoring of decision requirements. instant_prepareinstant_prepareNOTE: In order to use this command, you must add '-debug' to your ...
focus.ignoreprerequisitesWith this command you can ignore any and all focus prerequisites. focus.nochecksWith this command you can ignore any and all focus requirements. frontsThe command enables or disables the visibility of foreign fronts.
The most amazing part about this deeper focus on different countries is that it offers choices that go to the very heart of the focus system: the ability to choose a nation’s destiny does not need to be an exercise in strict historicity. The creativity that the team places on the focus...
Runs the inlined trigger on a selected scope event Arguments: event id, <Target Country Tag> Executes an event flagsoutput Arguments: <path> Creates texture atlas files from memory. focus_count Arguments: <Target Country Tag> Counts how many focuses a tag has. For science force_operative...
During the Peace Deal, focus on taking American land - the Axis will be mostly focused on Africa and Mainland Europe (if you didn't generate enough warscore, take the coastal states + Alaska and Hawaii first, then the states bordering Canada and Mexico; then, take the rest of the inner...
All in all, this would improve the AIs use of plans in most situations, both making them better at determining time for activation as well as replanning and when to even focus on attack. On a situation to situation basis, it may seem to have a small impact, but on a larger scale it...
The focus is safe operation under evaluation conditions. The board is neither cost nor size optimized and does not serve as a reference design. Supported Product Families XMC1200 Industrial Microcontroller ボード&デザイン KIT_XMC13_BOOT_...