原帖地址: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/hoi4-anniversary-diary-and-free-dlc.1027532/为了更好的格式观看体验,以后应该都会放一份到作业部落 https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/hoi4-anniversary-diary-and-free-dlc.1027532/———Hi everyone! but wait?! thi...
As normal the expansion will arrive together with a free update we've dubbed 1.5 "Cornflakes".随着1.4.2"Oak"补丁的推出以及我们的团队从暑假中回归,我们是时候来展望一下未来了。 这周我们开始着手于一个新的DLC,这个DLC在个方面都会有所扩展。 很多玩家要求更多的机制以及更大的游戏更改,这些都会出现在...
The DLC also comes with a set of tech icons for the three new nations, plus some 3d art to go along with it. I quite like the Battlecruiser, the ex-German SMS Moltke, which will be a unique model for Turkey.DLC还为这三个新国家配备了一套科技图标,外加一些3D艺术。我很喜欢战列巡洋舰,...
Many of theseHOI4 achievementsrequire expert knowledge of Hearts of Iron 4’s game mechanics, as well as a clear vision of what you are trying to achieve – so I’d recommend reading our guide to the bestHearts of Iron 4 DLCto get a handle on the game’s full breadth. If you tire ...
We decided to start our time off with a little patch (Oak 1.4.2) since there were still a bunch of things we wanted to deal with for which there was no time before summer. 我们决定开始做一些小的补丁(Oak 1.4.2).毕竟有不少事情我们本来打算暑假前做的,不过那个时候没有太多的时间留给我们...
我很愿意和你们分享一下其中一首歌的一部分,这样你们就大概了解新dlc的作曲风格了。音乐结尾中15/8到7/8就是那个让我不得不躲在防弹玻璃后面以防被乐队报复的部分了(就是之前说的演奏难度很高的那个) Here is a part of a song to listen to while you read the rest: ...
在这个文件内编写的代码就是被游戏执行后处理的内 31030 钢铁雄心4吧 记忆留声古城巷 hoi4 新dlc同步适配新版本的mod在钢铁雄心4新dlc:Arms Against Tyranny发售之前,p社已经与一些大型mod制作组合作使这些mod适配新版本,当新dlc发布后,这些mod也会在第一时间更新(指英文原版,汉化可能需要一些时间) 这些mod包括: ...
如果拥有 炮手就位 DLC. 扮演 联合王国 , 执行国策树中 重新审视殖民政策分支,释放所有附庸。 如果拥有 共赴胜利 DLC,没有 炮手就位 DLC, 且版本不低于1.6:扮演 联合王国 ,在游戏开始时最少可将14个殖民地释放为傀儡。还可以扮演 德意志国 或 意大利, 与同盟国 ( 法国与 联合王国开战并将其击败,随后将其...
checks for amount of aircrafts, additionally of a specified type has_design_based_on Supported Scopes: COUNTRY Supported Targets: none check if country has a buildable non-obsolete design based on an archetype has_dlc Supported Scopes: any Supported Targets: none Checks if player has a DLC....