whitepeacewhitepeace [country tag] [country tag]This command instantly makes 'white peace' (things return to the way exactly they were before a war started) between the specified countries (specified by their country tag). teleportteleport [province id]This command can be used to either activate...
setcontroller [country tag] [province id] 设置省份拥有者 setowner [country tag] [state id] 设置地区拥有者 经测试,若在与对方战争期间将对方的一个地区设置为自己或其他非战争参与国家,则在谈判时不会出现该地区,因为它实际上已由该国家所“拥有”(own)而非“占领”(control),因此如果你的领土与之相连,...
If you are struggling to find/guess a country tag, you can search for it on our country tag list. Newly formed nations that don't exist at the start of the game will have an incrementing tag starting with D and then a number - the first new nation will have the tag 'D01', the ...
helplogAfter using this command, a full list of all HOI4 console commands will be outputted to the game.log file. hsvThe command converts HSV to RGB. tag_color [rgb]Players can use this command to set the tag color of your current country. ...
Arguments: <Target Country Tag> Begin annex/annexes the specified tag bloom Not available in release build Toggles bloom browser Arguments: url Not available in release build Show browser window build_war_blobs Prints a list of all your wars building_health Aliases: bhealth Arguments: <building...
这个bug可以通过注释掉检测代码解决,具体步骤如下 1、打开hoi4启动器的播放集界面,鼠标挪到选择mod开关的旁边,会有三个小圆点,点击选择“在文件夹中显示”,打开mod的目录 2、打开events\nea_events.txt 3、注释掉最后一个country_event(在0819版本中是549-579行) 4、重新开一局,就看不到弹窗 分享1019 sz姐贵...
all_country all_country_with_original_tag all_enemy_country all_guaranteed_country all_navy_leader all_neighbor_country all_neighbor_state all_occupied_country all_of all_of_scopes all_operative_leader all_other_country all_owned_state all_state all_subject_countries all_unit_leader alliance_naval...
Arguments: <Target Country Tag> Begin annex/annexes the specified tag bloom Not available in release build Toggles bloom browser Arguments: url Not available in release build Show browser window build_war_blobs Prints a list of all your wars building_health Aliases: bhealth Arguments: <building...
tag [<Country tag>] 切换到输入的国家 observe(spectator) 切换到无国家状态,并且不再弹出信息或是暂停游戏。但是,开启观察模式会干扰 AI 的操作,并且 AI 的行为可能会与未开启观察模式下不同。 tdebug 开关调试信息 对查看国家 tag 和 ID 很有帮助 ...