goto_state [state id] Centers to state guibounds(gui) Toggles GUI bounds debug hdr Toggles hdr hdr_debug Toggles hdr debugging help [command name] Print out all console commands or a specific command description. helphelp Double Rainbow help. helplog Print out all console commands to game.log...
Dump the synchronized game state (the one that has checksum ID 2) effect Aliases: e Arguments: <tag> scripted_effect_name Runs a scripted effect on selected scope empty_fuel_tanks Arguments: Fuel amount Clear fuel tanks of all armies emulate_ai_operative_assignment Log ai operative assignment...
IPipThis command prints your IP to the console. requestgamestaterequestgamestateThis command prints the gamestate. nudgenudgeThis command opens the nuge tool. mapmodemapmode [mapmode id]This command changes the map mode to the specified type. Map mode IDs: 1 (Default), 2 (Naval), 3 (Air...
remove_core [State ID] [Country Tag]The command removes the specified [State ID] as a ‘core’ of the specified country. A ‘core’ is defined as a state that’s considered to be a rightful part of the country. debug_zoomCause the game to zoom in with this console command. ...
Examples tdebug The only way this command can be executed. This command will enable tooltip debug mode. In tooltip debug mode, verbose debug data is shown in tooltips - for example, the tooltip that's shown when you hover over a location on the map will show state ID, province ID, etc...
Dump the synchronized game state (the one that has checksum ID 2) effect Aliases: e Arguments: <tag> scripted_effect_name Runs a scripted effect on selected scope empty_fuel_tanks Arguments: Fuel amount Clear fuel tanks of all armies emulate_ai_operative_assignment Log ai operative assignment...
HOI4 Console Commands Event IDs Hearts of Iron IV Event IDs Below is a searchable list of all event names and event codes from Hearts of Iron 4 on Steam (PC / Mac). Type the name or ID of an event into the search box to instantly filter all events. EU4 Event IDs Victoria 2 Event...