helphelp Double Rainbow help. helplog Print out all console commands to game.log file. hsv Converts RGB to HSV human_ai 打开或关闭玩家 AI instant_prepare Instantly prepares naval invasions 仅供开发者使用 instant_wargoal 允许你迅速正当化战争理由 instantconstruction(ic) 所有建筑立即完工(对ai同样有效...
civilwarcivilwar [ideology] [country tag]This command starts a civil war within a country, with the specified ideology. Possible ideologies: 'fascism', 'democratic', 'neutrality' and 'communism'. add_party_popularityadd_party_popularity [ideology group] [amount]This command adds the specified amo...
Console command are more general purpose and can affect a wider variety of stuff, such as reloading some file, toggling off some gfx effects, starting a civil war, ... Table of Content All Console Commands All Tweakable Variables All Console Commands 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats Agency.Instant Act...
Civil War in [MEX.GetNameDef]! news.250 [CAN.GetNameDef] Seeks Immediate Patriation news.251 [CAN.GetNameDef] Joins the [GER.GetFactionName]! news.252 [AST.GetNameDef] Seeks Distance from Commonwealth news.253 [AST.GetNameDef] and New Zealand "United" news.254 [SAF.GetNameDef] assu...
civilwar [ideology] [Country Tag]With this command, you can start a civil war within a specific country. You can even choose the ideology of the conflict. Choices include ‘Communism’. ‘Fascism’, ‘Democratic’ and ‘Neutrality.’
With Mao as your leader, win the Chinese Civil War. Possibly the hardest historically accurate achievement in the game. You’ll need to make sure to bide your time, build up resources, and let the Nationalists do the fighting (while all the time avoiding being destroyed by the Japanese, ...
The mod plays out during the Galactic Civil War era of Star Wars – i.e. the time of the original trilogy, with rebel factions and Outer Rim smugglers duking it out against the might of the Galactic Empire. You can lead the Empire as Emperor Sheev Palpatine a.k.a. Darth Sidious; take...
Console command are more general purpose and can affect a wider variety of stuff, such as reloading some file, toggling off some gfx effects, starting a civil war, ... Table of Content All Console Commands All Tweakable Variables All Console Commands 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats Agency.Instant Act...
civilwar [<意识形态>] [<目标国家 TAG>] 引发内战 civilwar fascism ENG : 其他可输入意识形态 "communism"(共产主义) "democratic"(民主主义) "neutrality"(中立) add_party_popularity <ideology group> <value> 增加政党支持度 ideology group 在钢铁雄心原版理念组里有对应快捷键 d f n c。