goto_state [state id] Centers to state guibounds(gui) Toggles GUI bounds debug hdr Toggles hdr hdr_debug Toggles hdr debugging help [command name] Print out all console commands or a specific command description. helphelp Double Rainbow help. helplog Print out all console commands to game.log...
Console commands are split into two categories: actual commands and tweakable variables. Tweakable variables differ from console command in that they are more specialized and usualy modify a single variable in the game. They are often used to toggle on or off some behavior. Console command are ...
Tooltip debug modeshows information such as IDs for provinces, states, etc when you hover over them on the map. It is recommended you enable this as it is very helpful when using console commands. You can do this with thetdebugconsole command. ...
Console commands are split into two categories: actual commands and tweakable variables. Tweakable variables differ from console command in that they are more specialized and usualy modify a single variable in the game. They are often used to toggle on or off some behavior. Console command are ...
Console commands are split into two categories: actual commands and tweakable variables. Tweakable variables differ from console command in that they are more specialized and usualy modify a single variable in the game. They are often used to toggle on or off some behavior. Consol...