winwarswinwarsThis command will give your country the maximum war score for all wars it is currently engaged in. manpowermanpower [amount]This command adds the specific amount of man power to your country. add_opinionadd_opinion [source country tag] [target country tag]This command adds an op...
whitepeace [Country Tag] [Country Tag]This command creates ‘white peace’ between the two countries chosen with the [Country Tag]. What this means is that things revert back to the way they were before war was initiated. winwarsGive your country the maximum possible war score for any and ...
any_war_score area armor army_manpower_in_state attack_skill_level average_stats can_be_country_leader can_build_railway can_declare_war_on can_research can_select_trait casualties casualties_inflicted_by casualties_k check_variable civilwar_target clamp_temp_variable clear_temp_array command_power...