现在就要使用 'add_equipment 1000 Matilda LP Mk. IV'了。 whitepeace(wp) [<country tags>] 指定的国家之间白和。 teleport(tp) 瞬间移动 可以传送军队到你选择的任何地方 allowdiplo adiplo,nocb 无论规则如何,可以使用所有的外交行动。(无需正当化就可以宣战) 这应该是想开战而无需等待正当化最有效率的方...
whitepeacewhitepeace [country tag] [country tag]This command instantly makes 'white peace' (things return to the way exactly they were before a war started) between the specified countries (specified by their country tag). teleportteleport [province id]This command can be used to either activate...
whitepeace [Country Tag] [Country Tag]This command creates ‘white peace’ between the two countries chosen with the [Country Tag]. What this means is that things revert back to the way they were before war was initiated. winwarsGive your country the maximum possible war score for any and ...
White peace with the specified countries. window Aliases: wnd Arguments: Arguments: open/close, window gui name Opens or closes the specified window xp Arguments: XP amount Gives Army, navy and air experience to player All Tweakable Variables Tweakable variables have a type which defines how the...
8. White Peace ### 8. Static Modifiers 1. Some single modifiers. ### 9. Leaders 1. Just a trial at present. 2. Add traits to leaders immediately. A pathch mod for Kaiserreich compatibility (thx @MrBlazzar™) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1156092472 --- Belo...
White peace with the specified countries. window Aliases: wnd Arguments: Arguments: open/close, window gui name Opens or closes the specified window xp Arguments: XP amount Gives Army, navy and air experience to player All Tweakable Variables Tweakable variables have a type which defines how the...
whitepeace(wp) [<country tags>] 指定的国家之间白和。 teleport(tp) 瞬间移动 可以传送军队到你选择的任何地方 allowdiplo adiplo,nocb 无论规则如何,可以使用所有的外交行动。(无需正当化就可以宣战) 这应该是想开战而无需等待正当化最有效率的方式。如果你只想立刻正当化而不是想做正当化后才能做的事,那...