deltatdeltat [speed multiplier]This command will change the speed of animations in the game. The number specified is a multiplier - 2 would double the speed, 0.5 would half the speed. building_healthbuilding_health [building type] [state id / province id] [level] [amount]This command can...
deltat [speed multiplier]With this command, players can change the speed of different animations in the game. The number specified is supposed to be a multiplier. So 2 would double the speed, while 0.5 would half the speed. focus.autocompleteThe command allows for immediate completion of all ...
Change mapmode. mapnames Toggle map names massconquer Aliases: massc Not available in release build Mass conquer tool. metrics Arguments: log_units|log_pools|player|air_mission|global|unit_assignments <days>|decision|log|file<=file_name>|tag=<country_tag>|add_tag=<country_tag> Not available...
has_global_flag has_government has_guaranteed has_id has_idea has_idea_with_trait has_ideology has_ideology_group has_intelligence_agency has_legitimacy has_license has_manpower has_manpower_for_recruit_change_to has_max_planning has_military_access_to has_mined has_mines has_nationality has_...
Change mapmode. mapnames Toggle map names massconquer Aliases: massc Not available in release build Mass conquer tool. metrics Arguments: log_units|log_pools|player|air_mission|global|unit_assignments <days>|decision|log|file<=file_name>|tag=<country_tag>|add_tag=<country_tag> Not available...