Priorities change etc. The point of this is to give you an idea of things we would like to do. The order of things is also not in any kind of priority order, or order we would do them.首先要澄清的是,没有任何形式的详细的列表。除非我们已经做好了,不然都是吹比。优先级总是在变化的。
add_ideasadd_ideas [idea name]This command adds the idea with the specified ID/name to your current country. reloadreload [file name]This command can be used to reload a file without opening and closing your game. Useful if you modify a file to change a setting and don't want to compl...
This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with thetag ...
command_power description: total command power of country controlled_states description: array of controlled states core_compliance description: returns core compliance of target country core_resistance description: returns core resistance of target country ...
Add command power event or daily gain buff. Github: <> # Changelog 180211 1. Puppet function. 2. Control neighbor states function. 3. Adjust some old function (Manpower etc.). # Changelog 180325 * Change Event Triggers:...
Change mapmode. mapnames Toggle map names massconquer Aliases: massc Not available in release build Mass conquer tool. metrics Arguments: log_units|log_pools|player|air_mission|global|unit_assignments <days>|decision|log|file<=file_name>|tag=<country_tag>|add_tag=<country_tag> Not available...
line_change_production_efficiency_factor max_command_power max_command_power_mult max_fuel max_fuel_building max_fuel_factor max_surrender_limit_offset mic_to_target_factor min_export minimum_training_level modifier_enemy_port_superiority_limit monthly_population naval_doctrine_cost_factor naval_equipmen...
can_be_country_leader can_build_railway can_declare_war_on can_research can_select_trait casualties casualties_inflicted_by casualties_k check_variable civilwar_target clamp_temp_variable clear_temp_array command_power command_power_daily compare_autonomy_progress_ratio compare_autonomy_state compare_in...
Locks Air Efficiency for a country, omit efficiency value to reset manpower Arguments: <Amount> Adds manpower to player map_icon_reload_type Arguments: <NUM> or <help> Not available in release build Specify a map icon type to reload mapmode Arguments: Mapmode type (int) ...