winwarswinwarsThis command will give your country the maximum war score for all wars it is currently engaged in. manpowermanpower [amount]This command adds the specific amount of man power to your country. add_opinionadd_opinion [source country tag] [target country tag]This command adds an op...
manpower [<Amount>] 向玩家增加人力 如果只输入 "manpower",后面不跟数字则会给你一千万人力 add_opinion [<Country tag>] 增加指定国家好感度 向指定国家增加 100 (硬编码)点好感度(例如 add_opinion ENG)。成功执行后会输出 "<country> have 100 more opinion about you" 并会在外交界面中显示为 "cheat...
4、delall(空格)(国家代码) 删除指定国家所有的军队和舰队 5、add_core(省份代码) 添加该省份为我国核心,可作为宣战理由 6、remove_core(省份代码)去除省份核心 7、research complete 第一个研发槽的科技研发完成 8、research all 所有科技研发完成 9、manpower 增加10M人力 10、XP 三军经验各加500 11、PP 加9...
cp [Amount]This command will add Command Power or CP to a government. This resource is always capped at 100. debug_nukingAfter using this HOI4 console command, launching nukes in any province is permitted regardless of the current conditions. ...
Add core add_critical_hit Arguments: <critical_hit_name> add critical hit to selected ships add_diplo Adds diplomatic entroute add_equipment Aliases: ae Arguments: equipment amount, equipment name Gives player amount of equipment that has the specified name add_exile_manpower Arguments: <TAG>,...
3. Add Command power related functions. Add command power event or daily gain buff. Github: <> # Changelog 180211 1. Puppet function. 2. Control neighbor states function. 3. Adjust some old function (Manpower etc.). # ...
Add core add_critical_hit Arguments: <critical_hit_name> add critical hit to selected ships add_diplo Adds diplomatic entroute add_equipment Aliases: ae Arguments: equipment amount, equipment name Gives player amount of equipment that has the specified name add_exile_manpower Arguments: <TAG>,...
manpower [<Amount>] 向玩家增加人力 如果只输入 "manpower",后面不跟数字则会给你一千万人力 add_opinion [<Country tag>] 增加指定国家好感度 向指定国家增加 100 (硬编码)点好感度(例如 add_opinion ENG)。成功执行后会输出 "<country> have 100 more opinion about you" 并会在外交界面中显示为 "cheat...