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4 nodes: 3 hours and 51 minutes (2.95x). It looks like the speedup is pretty consistent. Feel free to keep experimenting with different learning rates, batch sizes and oneCCL settings. I'm sure you can go even faster! Conclusion In this post, you've learned how to bu...
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4 nodes: 3 hours and 51 minutes (2.95x). It looks like the speedup is pretty consistent. Feel free to keep experimenting with different learning rates, batch sizes and oneCCL settings. I'm sure you can go even faster! Conclusion In this post, you've learned how to...
4 nodes: 3 hours and 51 minutes (2.95x). It looks like the speedup is pretty consistent. Feel free to keep experimenting with different learning rates, batch sizes and oneCCL settings. I'm sure you can go even faster! Conclusion In this post, you've learned how to bu...
4 nodes: 3 hours and 51 minutes (2.95x). It looks like the speedup is pretty consistent. Feel free to keep experimenting with different learning rates, batch sizes and oneCCL settings. I'm sure you can go even faster! Conclusion In this post, you've learned how to...