原价$33,现4.5折售价$14.99。 直邮免税含运费到手$18.77(¥117),亚马逊购买地址>>|美国亚马逊Amazon直邮中国手把手教程>> Hohner Piedmont Blues Harmonica Set德国和莱 布鲁斯口琴7调套装,内含7调,黄铜簧片,超轻设计,附带一只小箱子,方便携带和存放口琴。 Hohner(德国和莱)被世界众多的口琴家及爱好者公认为是世界...
这款“Hohner Piedmont Blues Harmonica Set 布鲁斯口琴套装”含七枚不同音调的口琴,分别为A, Bb, C, D, E, F, G调,满足了口琴演奏布鲁斯的全部需求。全黑设计、并有配套的便携包,整体大气、低调。虽是塑料琴身的入门产品(木质或金属琴身的更高端)但该套装的品牌与价格还是比较吸引人的。”值友“zachary122...
虽然前后相中了很多好东西,但是兜里银子有限,也不是急着用,直到我看到了这篇——HOHNER Piedmont 布鲁斯... [商品:Hohner Piedmont Blues Harmonica Set]当时是不到15刀,现在貌似价格没变,直邮中国不到4刀 草长莺飞中 眼前一亮 经(dou)济(li)实(mei)惠(qian),凳(neng)次(zhuang)高(1)高(3)。 邮单,亚...
可能是型号的,要么是blues harmonica set,要么是bluesband是这个吗 森岚_ 蔚蓝前奏 6 给你回复,发了两个连接,直接被度娘封ID了···还有什么问题,你自己去贴吧精品区的新手必看板块慢慢看吧 pcjiaoda 琴动我心 5 最近度娘的确比较抽啊。嗯,我会好好去学的,多谢指教了。 yanggenes 蔚蓝男爵 13 是...
he has patents for many modifications of instruments such as keyed recorders, an additional acoustic clavichord design, numerous harmonica variants and a synthesizer keybed. There are even patents under his name for a bicycle and an aircraft, as well as for the pendulum clock on his wall that ...
We are one of the largest harmonica shops for Seydel, Suzuki, Hohner, Bushman, Easttop, Kongsheng, JDR, & Lee Oskar. We also sell a few other instruments & some pocket knives such as Boker, Colt, Kershaw, Spyderco and CRKT.
We are one of the largest harmonica shops for Seydel, Suzuki, Hohner, Bushman, Easttop, Kongsheng, JDR, & Lee Oskar. We also sell a few other instruments & some pocket knives such as Boker, Colt, Kershaw, Spyderco and CRKT.
On my bench today is aHohner LOW “F” Rocket. Great for playing 2nd position in Song Key: C or 3rd position in Song Key: Gm. The customer requested this harmonica be retrofitted from the original Richter tuning to the Paddy tuning. This means, the #3 Blow reed needs to be raised on...
这款之前推荐过的Hohner Piedmont Blues Harmonica Set 布鲁斯口琴套装,盒子内含7枚不同音调的口琴,分别为A, Bb, C, D, E, F, G调,满足了口琴演奏布鲁斯的全部需求。全黑设计、并有配套的便携包,整体大气、低调。虽是塑料琴身的入门产品(木质或金属琴身的更高端)但该套装的品牌与价格还是比较吸引人的。
这款“Hohner Piedmont Blues Harmonica Set 布鲁斯口琴套装”含七枚不同音调的口琴,分别为A, Bb, C, D, E, F, G调,满足了口琴演奏布鲁斯的全部需求。全黑设计、并有配套的便携包,整体大气、低调。虽是塑料琴身的入门产品(木质或金属琴身的更高端)但该套装的品牌与价格还是比较吸引人的”。