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If you're close enough to a wild beast then you should be able to see its species and gender at the top of the screen. If the magical beast is shiny then it will also have a small star symbol after its name. Most shiny beasts are lighter than their usual coloring. However, dependin...
From where you spawn, go through the door on the left, then immediately left down the stairs and through another door to enter the Dungeons (the area name pops up in bottom left corner when entering new area). After going down the first set of stairs there will be a wall tapestry of ...
From where you spawn, go straight ahead and enter the first door on the right (to the right of a statue of a man levitating a white ball). In this room go left up the stairs, open the level 1 door lock, in the next room go up the spiral staircase. This leads to a rooftop out...