霍格沃茨之遗(Hogwarts Legacy Game)是一款可玩性超强的魔幻动作冒险之旅。游戏采用精致的黑暗画风结合丰富个性化的冒险元素,给玩家丰富多彩的挑战体验,打败众多妖魔鬼怪,战力提升,玩法多多。快来下载展示你不一样的魔术吧。 游戏介绍 1、玩家可以自由组合自己的魔法保持战斗,也可以使用多把扫帚进行探索。
霍格沃兹遗产(Hogwarts Legacy Game)是一款基于哈利波特系列的动作冒险游戏。在这款游戏中,玩家将进入哈利波特的魔法世界,探索原著中的世界观,打败黑暗势力,成为真正的魔法师。继承了电影和原著中的经典元素,并加入了许多互动元素,玩家可以更好地进入哈利波特的世界,感受魔法的魅力。
If you have purchased the Hogwarts Legacy game, it will store all-related data on the following path by default:Local Disk(C Drive): > Users > Your Username > AppData > Local > Hogwarts Legacy > Saved >SaveGames🎁Tip You're suggested to save the backups to an external storage device...
Pre-order Hogwarts Legacy on PlayStation Store, an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books.
The company envisions a future Harry Potter game where you can "live and work and build and play in that world in an ongoing basis." PSN's Most Popular Games In 2023 Included Wizards, Soccer, And Batman Hogwarts Legacy, Call of Duty, and EA Sports FC 24 dominated the PlayStation charts...
Game Name: Hogwarts Legacy Game Process: HogwartsLegacy.exe Game Version: 1119132 Game Engine: Unreal Engine - 4.27.20 Game DLL: - Anti-Cheat: - Savegame Folder: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved Steam App ID: 990080 Other Info: Game has two processes with the same...
Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG. Now you can take control of the action and be at the center of your own adventure in the wizarding world. Base Game -75% CN¥384 CN¥96 Sale ends 1/10/2025 at 12:00 AM ...
【2024.10.16】【霍格沃茨之遗(Hogwarts Legacy)】 v1117238 豪华中文版+全DLC+PS5独占内容【夸克/...
switch《霍格沃茨之遗 Hogwarts Legacy》中文版更新1.0.4补丁+5DLC《霍格沃茨之遗》是一款沉浸式开放世界动作角色扮演游戏。这回,你将在魔法世界中扮演“你自己”,亲手书写属于自己的传奇。 关于这款游戏 《霍格沃茨之遗》是一款基于《哈利·波特》系列书籍设定的开放世界动作角色扮演游戏。在旅程中,你将造访那些熟悉的...