Hogwarts Legacy is a huge game that can soak up dozens, or even hundreds of hours, if players want to complete everything it offers.This walkthrough covers everything players could ever want to know, from how to complete the most complicated quests and solve every Merlin Trial ...
The following are automatic unmissable quest rewards from Main Quests / Side Quests / Assignments / Relationship Quests. Simply complete all quests in the game and you will automatically get these. Refer toHogwarts Legacy All Quests Walkthrough, to figure out your missing quests compare this list ...
Hogwarts Legacy has 24 Challenges. None of the challenges are missable, everything can be done after the story. You will need to complete all tiers of almost all Challenges as these will award you with a Collection items needed for the Collector’s Edition trophy & achievement and to reach ...
Avalanche Software has released quite a big patch for Hogwarts Legacy, improving visual, performance, gameplay, and general stability. In addition to more than 500 bug fixes, it also brings the new Arachnophobia Mode. Performance-wise, the newest patch resolves general crashes on the PC ...
Rewards for completing the Hogwarts Legacy Weasley's Assignment Quiz The reward for completing Sophronia's quiz is three potions: Wiggenweld Potion Maxima Potion Edurus Potion Congratulations, you've completed the quiz. If you're tracking down collectibles, don't miss our detailed walkthroughs ...
How to use the breeding pen on Thestrals in Hogwarts Legacy The Breeding Pen is a Spellcraft you’ll acquire when working through the Foal of the Dead quest for Deek. If you do not have this quest, it becomes available as you progress through the story of Hogwarts Legacy, so keep on ...
Beyond the performance issues, Legacy is also a fairly glitchy adventure in general. You’ll probably fall through the map a time or two, or see a character or object get caught in the environment, or maybe even have the person you’re talking to just up and walk away from you in the...