1.Daniel Huybrechts. Complex Geometry : An Introduction . 2. Phillip Griffiths , Joseph Harris . Principle of Algebraic Geometry . 3.Claire Voisin . Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I . 4.Claire Voisin . Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry II .编辑...
Claire Voisin的复几何教材Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry分为两本,印象中这是本稀缺教材,网上不太容易找到。 这本书有一定门槛,需要有一定多复变函数、代数几何、微分几何、复分析的基础,具体…
Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics(共87册),这套丛书还有 《Locally Convex Spaces over Non-Archimedean Valued Fields (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)》《Cohomological Methods in Transformation Groups》《Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry II》《Geometric Analysis》《An Introduction to...
Hodge structure. The book starts with basic material on complex variables, complex manifolds, holomorphic vector bundles, sheaves and cohomology theory, the latter being treated in a more theoretical way than is usual in geometry. The author then proves the Kaehler identities, which leads to the ...
VoisonHodge theory and complex algebraic geometry Ⅰ Hirzebruch利用Hodge指标定理和Hirzebruch号差定理2种方式来计算紧Kähler流形 的号差,进而用Hodge数表出示性数,这在Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch定理的原始证明中是关键的。一般地,我们可以问:是否可以用紧Kähler流形的Hodge数线性表出Chern数和Pontryagin数?这是我...
2. Phillip Griffiths , Joseph Harris .Principle of Algebraic Geometry . 3.Claire Voisin . Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I . 4.ClaireVoisin.HodgeTheoryand ComplexAlgebraicGeometryII. 您的点赞与关注是我们坚持...
3.Claire Voisin . Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I . 4.ClaireVoisin.HodgeTheoryand ComplexAlgebraicGeometryII. 您的点赞与关注是我们坚持不懈的动力: 由于微信平台算法改版,公号内容将不再以时间排序展示,如果您想...
we define the integral and rational Hodge structures. Theseare the structures which lie naturally on the integral or rational cohomologyof a compact Kahler manifold; they are given by the Hodge decomposition ofthe cohomology with complex coefficients. We study the case of the Hodgestructure of weigh...
HODGE THEORY AND COMPLEX ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY, I (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 76)http://journals.cambridge.org/cover_images/BLM/BLM.jpgdoi:10.1112/S0024609303229337TOTAROBURTBulletin of the London Mathematical Society
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