(redirected from Hodge-Laplace operator)Also found in: Encyclopedia. Laplace operator n (Mathematics) maths the operator ∂2/∂x2 + ∂2/∂y2 + ∂2/∂z2,. Symbol: ∇2 Also called: Laplacian Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper...
The Laplacian is a very important operator because it shows up in many of the equations used in physics to describe natural phenomena such as heat diffusion or wave propagation. Therefore, it is highly desirable to generalize the Laplacian to functions defined on a manifold. Furthermore, in the...
Define Hodge Laplacian. Hodge Laplacian synonyms, Hodge Laplacian pronunciation, Hodge Laplacian translation, English dictionary definition of Hodge Laplacian. n maths the operator ∂2/∂ x 2 + ∂2/∂ y 2 + ∂2/∂ z 2,. Symbol: ∇2 Also cal
,δ以及复Laplacian □,(?),△的定义,计算了偏微分算子v,口作用于C~∞(p,q)-形式后得到的新的微分形式的分量,验证了Kodaira消灭定理和Hodge定理。3) Hodge decomposition theorem Hodge分解定理4) Hodge decomposition Hodge分解 1. The regularity result is proved by using the technique of Hodge ...
There exists a bosonic symmetry which keeps the ghost terms invariant and it turns out to be the analogue of the Laplacian operator. The Hodge duality operation is shown to correspond to a discrete symmetry in the theory. The generators of all these continuous symmetries are shown to obey the...
Where⋆⋆is the Hodge star operator and andΔp=δd+dδΔp=δd+dδis the Hodge Laplacian. I am not able to solve this one and I am not really sure how to start. Also taking into acount the Hodge theorem (KerΔp≅HpdRKerΔp≅HdRp) and De rham's theoremHndR≅HpsingHdRn...
本文主要研究了单纯复形的Hodge-Laplacian算子的热核估计、量子随机游走和无符号1-Laplacian算子的一些几何性质.1945年,B.Eckmann把图上的Laplacian算子推至单纯复形,... 罗鑫 - 湖南大学 被引量: 0发表: 2019年 约束诱导的限制和扩张算子及其应用 Hodge分解变分方法特征值问题Stokes方程是由动量方程和不可压缩约束...
This paper aims to compute and estimate the eigenvalues of the Hodge Laplacians on directed graphs. We have devised a new method for computing Hodge spectra with the following two ingredients. (I) We have observed that the product rule does work for the so-called normalized Hodge operator, de...
Synonyms for Hodge's plane in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Hodge's plane. 56 synonyms for plane: aeroplane, aircraft, jet, airliner, jumbo jet, flat surface, the flat, horizontal, level surface, level, position, stage, footing... What are synony
最近划水时看到些跟 Hodge 分解有关的模型,顺便也看了一下 de Rham 上同调,做一下笔记。 TL;DR Hodge 分解:向量场=梯度场+旋度场+调和场; Hodge 分解能被推广到图上; 可以用于流形上的向量场/图的 edge-flow 的分析处理。 背景知识 de Rham 上同调(群) ...