Hobby Lobby is having a free shipping deal right now so you could pickup up the PNP version for $250 shipped if you were so inclined. Doubletap Aug 15, 2008, 11:24 PM #101 kahloq Registered User I think this HL F-4 will be a very quick flyer if one were to put the wemot...
According to CBS 19, Hobby Lobby has raised its minimum wage 12 times in the last 13 years. Is Hobby Lobby trying to teach the rest of America how you retain your employees? Is Hobby Lobby doing this to try to keep up with inflation?
I just firmly toss the plane, and have plenty of time to get my thumbs on the sticks to advance the throttle. !!Flight The built-up wing is slightly draggier than a molded wing of some other pylon racers. For this reason, I noticed less grip in the turns when flying slo...
I just ordered a new Condor Voodoo from hobby lobby. Im trying to pick a motor, prop and battery configuration for it. I have been using MotoCalc, with limitied success. But since you folks have the aircraft built and have had some time flying them, I would like ...