damaging the landing gear or causing a nose over on landing. Fortunately, the baseball infield makes an OK runway. With a smooth surface the plane was a joy to operate, and I had no problems with either takeoffs or landings. Flights could also be started with a good, firm forward t...
Two years ago, when I was in Minnesota for a baseball/football road trip, I ducked into Wisconsin for 30 hours of fishing, but I didn’t end up seeing Mike because, of course, I fished too late. The central mudminnow – the last species Mike helped me get. I regret that now. And...
Hobby-Lobby's Simfly is a plane small enough to ride assembled in any car, and ready to fly even on a breezy day. Its jaw-dropping performance will wow even the "wet fuel" crowd when you take it down to the club. Turn down the rates, and it becomes a stable park fli...