電撃オンライン WebNewtype 電撃G'sマガジン.com 電撃文庫 KDcolle 電撃屋 エビテン カドカワストア キャラアニ.com BOOK☆WALKER Tweets by hobby_magazine 広告のご案内| プライバシーポリシー| お問い合わせ| 会社案内| 利用規約制定のお知らせ| 利用規約 ©KADOKAWA CORPORATION 2025...
The Massey Air Museum (MD1) recently received a gift containing the personal files of the editor of Aviation magazine from 1941 to 1947 which contained some education materials from United Air Lines, School & College Dept. printed in 1943. In particular, a 6 page pamphlet titled ?To help you...
While still part ofconsumer rocketry(i.e. certified motors are purchased from dealers rather than built at home), high power rocketry is an adults only hobby that requires training and certification. High power rockets use motors aboveGlevel (see the NARMotor Powertables) and can reach over 60...
JapanSoviet Columbia space shuttle SAREXShuttle Amateur Radio Experiment) on Spacelab-2 aboard the shuttle Challenger succeeded not only in voice communications with the ground but also in slow-scan TV. SAREX is now often included on shuttle flights. ...