心理学中的“囤积障碍症” | 生活中有一类人,“断舍离”对他们来说是非常痛苦的行为。 他们自己并没有意识到,但这可能是患有“囤积障碍”! 囤积障碍(Hoarding Disorder):指患者在丢弃或舍弃自己的所有物方面长久存在困难,以至于物品积攒并凌乱堆满生活区域,使得生活区域无法使用。
Finally, we discuss where compulsive hoarding should be classified in DSM-V if included as a separate disorder. We conclude that there is sufficient evidence to recommend the creation of a new disorder, provisionally called hoarding disorder. Given the historical link between hoarding and OCD/OCPD...
OBJECTIVE: Whereas a triple vulnerability model has been used to evaluate several anxiety- and mood-related conditions, no research has purposefully examined hoarding from this perspective. METHOD: Using a multivariate approach, the current study evaluated the unique relations between hoarding and a ...
It is not clear whether compulsive hoarding is a separate, isolated disorder or rather a symptom of another condition, such as OCD, but the current DSM lists hoarding disorder as both a mental disability and a possible symptom for OCD.You...
There is growing evidence that hoarding may warrant its own diagnosis in DSM-5, and it is therefore imperative to investigate the proposed cardinal symptoms along with correlated features that may be diagnostically relevant.The present investigation examined the point prevalence of hoarding disorder in...
This article is part of a series of commentaries from members of the task force and work groups involved in developing the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (...
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in a National Football League Player: Case report andemerging medicolegal practice questions Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: a review Unlesscongenital, the only other reported cases of savants occur after severe trauma (eg brainA WongArticlebrain Com...
BACKGROUND: The DSM-5 Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Sub-Workgroup is recommending the creation of a new diagnostic category named Hoarding Disorder (HD). The validity and acceptability of the proposed diagnostic criteria have yet to be formally tested. METHOD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder/hoarding expe...
Mataix-Cols, D, Fernandez de la Cruz, Nakao, & Pertusa (2011). "Testing the validity and acceptability of the diagnostic criteria for Hoarding Disorder: a DSM-5 survey".Psychological Medicine 41: 2475- 2484. doi:10.1017/s0033291711000754....
Hoarding disorder (HD) is a recently recognized psychiatric condition, now classified under the category of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It leads to an unwarranted attachment to material possessions...