Season: 1 Episode Number: 4 11 Augustine November 30, 2009 27 votes 14 years ago Jason was removed from his mother Augustine's home by Child Protective Services because of her hoarding. She was never able to clean up enough to have him return. Now, as an adult living on the other side...
What is astounding to me is that this series is now into its 14th season. It seems like it must be the same thing, episode after episode. Maybe they should make it a competitive series, like who can be the most disgusting human being on the planet.It's hilarious that IMDb requires ...
Season 2, Episode #2(From Menu, select season 2,Video #8) Judi & Gail When rescue workers were called to Judi’s home they found her stuck in massive amounts of clutter and were forced to remove her through the kitchen window. The city condemned her home and she was placed in a reh...