When accused of colluding with the Russians, Winston Churchill said, “If Hitler invaded Hell, I'd find something nice to say about the Devil himself in the House of Commons."". . .while the excesses of McCarthyism may be fairly described as a witch hunt, it was a witch hunt with ...
The Wild Girlby Kate Forsyth (Gifted from the most amazing, Amy, fromTripping Over Books) The History of Hellby Alice Turner Myths of the Norsemenby Helene Adeline Turner The Norse Mythsby Kevin Crossley-Holland The Ocean at the End of the Laneby Neil Gaiman (audiobook) –Preparing for th...
:/ deleted1865015 account closed 15 kudos 18 July 2016, 10:37AM Not you alone, bro. Not you alone. Psijonica supporter 102 kudos 19 July 2016, 1:47AM That's why I like to have as many followers as possible. I mean, what the hell am I going to do with all this stuff...
All of it, from all the genres and all the timeframes and all the sources, dumps onto that iPod, and having that much music in your pocket makes you a less disciplined listener, but it also makes you a more open one — willing to try anything, because what the hell, it’s not ...