Failure to pay your HOA fees may result in the association putting a lien on your property. If you don’t pay, you’ll have a harder time selling your property because the lien will pop up in the title search. To complete the sale, you’ll need to remove the lien from your title....
However, if a lien is placed against your home, you won’t be able to sell your property. The HOA could even potentially opt to foreclose on the lien if you don’t clear it. So obviously, it’s best to avoid that outcome if at all possible. Can you legally ignore an HOA rule?
Liens: If your HOA puts a lien on your property, that can come up in a title search and make it difficult to sell your house. Lawsuits: The HOA can sue you for unpaid dues in some states. This may result in wage garnishment or a levy against your bank account. Foreclosure: In some...
Attorney Henry A. Goodman, a partner at the law firm of Goodman, Shapiro & Lombardi, LLC in Dedham, Massachusetts, says that banks are falling over each other to loan condo associations money in states with a super-lien. “As far as financing big projects, I only see upside now,” he ...
As long as roofs are going to have to be repaired, snow is going to have to be plowed, and grass has to be cut, unit owners and shareholders are going to have pay for their share of the cost for maintaining the property where they live. ...
“You don’t realize how fortunate we are in Massachusetts” to have the Superlien law, Aronson said, calling it the best in the nation. Rhode Island and New Hampshire have also passed super lien law, which are slightly different from the Massachusetts law, she added. ...