Up-to-date Hoa Phat Group JSC company overview including funding information, company profile, key statistics, peer comparison and more.
Hoa Phat Group JSC Annual balance sheet by MarketWatch. View all HPG assets, cash, debt, liabilities, shareholder equity and investments.
Hoa Phat Group JSC company and executive profile by Barron's. View the latest HPG company infomation and executive bios.
Hoa Phat Group JSC Annual stock financials by MarketWatch. View the latest HPG financial statements, income statements and financial ratios.
以下为Hoa Phat Group JSC重编类型数据要点 Hoa Phat近十二个月的重编类型原始数据 基准 无可用数据 指标使用情况:重编类型 Slug restatement_type 数据类型 文字 格式 文字 默认期限 当期 支持的期限 FY, Q, LTM, YTD 套餐 免费 欲查看所支持的财务指标的完整列表,请参阅完整指标列表。 相似的指标 查看完...
Đối tác uy tín tại Đồng Nai cho hóa chất công nghiệp & xử lý môi trường. Chuyên tư vấn pháp lý môi trường, lắp đặt hệ thống xử lý nước thải hiệu quả, tiế
Value Understand: What roles/functions is a company hiring for What risks are they preparing for What is there strategic focus regarding Themes Which geographies are they expanding in New investments Explore the hiring trends of Hoa Phat Group company. Register your interest Hot...
Hoa Phat的净现金(本·格雷厄姆)于2020 (-48,070.2十亿, +53.3%)、2021 (-50,665.3十亿, +5.4%)和2023 (-50,522.3十亿, +27.5%)减少和于2022 (-46,748.3十亿, -7.7%)和2023 (-39,635.4十亿, -15.2%)增加。 隐藏这个小工具 我们发现下列公司与Hoa Phat Group JSC相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还...
从指数持仓来看,中证东盟80指数十大权重分别为:BCA(8.74%)、BRI(4.97%)、JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL ORD(4.62%)、Bank Mandiri(4.42%)、DBS(3.6%)、Malayan Banking(2.66%)、Delta Electronic(2.57%)、Hoa Phat Group JSC(2.57%)、SM Investments(2.54%)、INTL CONTAINER/d(2.52%)...
从指数持仓来看,中证东盟80指数十大权重分别为:BCA(8.74%)、BRI(4.97%)、JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL ORD(4.62%)、Bank Mandiri(4.42%)、DBS(3.6%)、Malayan Banking(2.66%)、Delta Electronic(2.57%)、Hoa Phat Group JSC(2.57%)、SM Investments(2.54%)、INTL CONTAINER/d(2.52%)。