Neighborhood dues go toward common area maintenance, retention pond upkeep, street repair, street lighting, common area structures like the playground, and other unseen requirements like common area property taxes. Homeowners are given 30 days to make payment after receiving their bi-annual statement ...
The minute meetings from our October 2024 BOD Meeting have been posted to the "Downloads" tab of our Website. Any questions or need more info please 2024 -02-20 The minutes from the AGM on February 1st 2024 (rescheduled from January 18, due to ice storm) have ...
is missing several of the minimum requirements, you will receive notice to plant replacements prior to the spring planting season. Maintenance of front yard landscape, trash containers not properly stored and on-street parking are still the violations most frequently written up for notice to members...
If you have questions about interpreting your state’s legal requirements or the association’s governing documents, please contact an attorney that is licensed in your state. If you have questions about our company or would like additional information about our HOA financial management services, ...
Living in a common interest development and belonging to a homeowner association place special requirements and restrictions on members. Even though Northpark and Evergreen have rules which are very similar, Evergreen has some additional rules which are particular to paired homes. It is important and...
With the help of real estate agents and lawyers, they must deal with title issues, taxes, escrow, and mortgage requirements. When an HOA is involved, there are extra steps to take. 1. Payoff Demand Report First, the escrow company will ask the seller to produce a payoff demand report. ...
do not impose specific meeting requirements. “Meeting requirements for Massachusetts associations are set forth in their own governing documents,” Daddario explains. “The state statute does afford unit owners access to records, but that requires an appointment, set at a reasonable time where the ...
A meeting requires a gathering of the board in a way that they are communicating live and in real time. It does not include actions or decisions taken without a meeting, as is commonly done by boards (most commonly through email). However, specific requirements must be followed by a board...
“The board has a duty to comply with the meeting and election requirements in their governing documents,” says Moriarty. “Therefore, a unit owner has the right to demand that the board conduct the meetings called for in the trust or the bylaws, and follow the election procedures set forth...
“In general, the requirements for co-op directors are governed by specific co-op statutory requirements as well as the duties for directors in the Florida Corporate and Not-for-Profit Corporation Acts (as applicable),” explains Goldstein. “Similarly, condominiums and HOAs have their own require...