If you own a home within an association area, you aren’t likely to avoid paying fees. However, you might be able to reduce the amount you pay in some circumstances. Your first step could be to get a copy of the budget for the association. This will tell you what they are doing wit...
Clients include Members of an East Los Angeles government sponsored housing community vs. an abusive Board of Directors - Aviation pioneer and World War II hero General Chuck Yeager, first man to break the sound barrier as featured in the movie‘The Right Stuff’ SOME OF ALAN SCHANTZ’ EXPERT ...
Allows the homeowners to veto the reserve fund contribution if they don’t like it (whether too low or too high) by a 51% vote of the owners at a special meeting called within 45 days of when the annual budget is adopted. Additionally, the law provides for specific enforcement procedures...
The Board will discuss budget items and prepare for the annual meeting. Homeowner are welcome to attend to ask questions and observe the process. Here is the proposed agenda (subject to change): Call meeting to order/establish quorum:
The best way to speed up the review and approval process is to ensure that your application is complete. The committee likely is not familiar with your specific home or yard, so be sure and include as many details as possible. A complete application (these are unique to each community), ...
Owners Generally Do Not Have the Right to Approve the Annual Budget Joseph Adams Posted on April 8, 2018 Q: Do condominium owners have a say in approving the annual budget? (D.J. via e-mail) A: Unit owners do not have the right to adopt or approve a proposed budget … Continue re...
We have many years of experience working with residential and commercial construction. Located in Anacortes, WA we understand the local conditions. To ensure that your association has as accurate a reserve budget as possible, the person selected to perform the reserve study should be knowledgeable ...
2021 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SCHEDULE (Homeowners invited to all meetings!) Ciega Village Clubhouse, 4070 105th Avenue at 6:30 PM JANUARY 26, 2021 MARCH 15, 2021 MAY 17, 2021 JULY 29, 2021 SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 NOVEMBER 15, 2021 (Annual & Budget Meeting)...
implement budget policy Ensure tax forms are completed and taxes are paid, as appropriate Maintain files for each member of the association/owner Maintain records for the association Process initial Architectural Control Committee (ACC) applications ...
by a special assessment or a loan which increases the financial burden on everyone. This will not be necessary if everyone continues to pay assessments. As of today, the association maintenance fees remain the same; however, the board may review the collection policy and budget in the future....