The Autumn Ridge Homeowners’ Association (ARHOA) Board of Directors (BoD) is comprised of five volunteer members and two members-at-large, who are residents of the community. Executive positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer serve one-year terms confirmed by vote by cur...
My wife, Angela and I built our home in Northfork in 2001. I joined the Covenants Committee in 2002 and the Architectural Review Committee the following year. I have served on the NFHOA Board since 2003 in various positions . I am the Vice President & G.M. for Koch NationaLease, a ...
Joaquin Tadeo, EMHA Fines Appeal Review Committee Chair VILLAGE IDIOT Vacant, EMHA Fines Appeal Review Committee PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Alejandro Lopez, EMHA Fines Appeal Review Committee PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION PREVIOUS BOARDS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2022 LIKE MINDED GROUP OF DISHONEST PEOPLE...
“My best advice to boards of directors and boards of managers in cooperatives and condominiums, respectively, is to limit email communications,” she says. “While email has made board communications faster and more convenient, it has also brought greater levels of exposure to board members. Emai...
“Most people who run for board positions are ‘can-do’ people who want to contribute, feel a sense of duty and want to make things better,” Lombardi says. “You’ll see a retired accountant running for a treasurer’s position or a teacher who likes to serve and sees a board positio...
shall become members of the board, upon the close of the meeting. If there are any board positions that are not filled, an affirmative vote by a majority of the board (even if there is just one person on the board and no quorum) shall be used to fill the openings on the board. ...
handle the day-to-day activities of the association, and have a volunteer board to oversee such activities as to protect their constituents’ interests. Eligible candidates have, for decades, continued to vie for positions on their condominium and cooperative boards without the promise of ...
Bui says that although 30 per cent of the Actuaries Institute’s membership is female and from an Asian background, few were making it to C-suite or director positions. ‘I wanted to launch an initiative that would encourage these members to step up and become leaders,’ she says. ...
ownership unrelated to board dealings, and then members of those groups run for board positions in order to advance the interests of their smaller group. It’s not hard to see how this can lead to problems, as those members clearly do not have the whole of the association in mind when ...
offers some evergreen, universal advice: “Board members should remember that their positions on the board are only as secure as the votes that got them there.” Unit owners can always resort to their ultimate remedy and figuratively say, ‘Off with their heads!’ by voting them out of ...