This funny Christmas presents meme is what some of us would love to gift certain people in our lives. The blessed gift of our opinion. I mean, I guess we could just type it, print on a pretty paper then wrap like a Christmas present. Surely that wouldn’t be too extra. The answer ...
Through them we get little glimpses into the amazing and beautiful teacher who gave his all to his students so that they could become the teachers of future generations. The stories are inspiring, funny, insightful, and always show the way to God. -- Kirpal Singh Khalsa, Ph.D....
It’s barely a year since AI showed up at our door with a funny hat, uninvited. But what it slipped into the punch bowl has had many side effects. We have learned very quickly that AI isprone to ‘hallucinations.’ Yeah! What they mean byhallucinationsis, when data fed into the machi...
“It’s funny.” he responded. “At first it was a problem. I had to rearrange my whole schedule. After a while my duty became my routine. Then, about a month ago, I really started to enjoy the experience. I’m going to miss being with the congregation every morning. I really ...
Open & share this gif fall, baby, go home, with everyone you know. Size 350 x 263px. The GIF create by Grosho. Download most popular gifs funny, drunk baby, fail, drunk, drunk fail, on
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By Equinox21 I’ve seen a number of parodies of Hong Kong crime movies, comedic plays on the ol’ cops vs. triad genre, but none so well done and funny as Men Suddenly In Black. This … Continue reading →Be the 1st to Comment Posted in Chinese, Reviews | Tagged Alan Tam Wing ...
我们就像从南飞来的燕子与向北而归的鸿雁,偶尔相逢,带着凄惨悲愁的面容。想当年没有都是黑髮红颜,而此时重见却是两个衰朽的老翁。分别后世事悠悠您就不用问了,无限的事情,都在不言中。 面前的珍珠美酒滴滴红,不用行色匆匆,尽管把酒斟满在金锺。这一阵饮酒之后,我们又要像落花流水一样各奔西东。以后的相聚...
Funny and Adorable N x Uzi Comic Dub Compilation 5 (Murder Drones Comic Dub) The Murder Drones react to Ep 4 North [meme] Murder Drones J N and V are Unimpressed (Murder Drones Comic Dub) 【NUCLEAR 】Murder Drones ♡ ANIMATION MEME ♡ S.A.V.E _ MURDER DRONES ANIMATION Uz...