1英语翻译+Lam ho chieu,xin sa vao TQ +Den chinh quyen dia phuong ,xin giay chung nhan chua dang ky ket hon (giay chung nhan doc than)+lam giay kham suc khoe de ket hon voi nguoi nuoc ngoai (co the kham tai Trung Quoc)tat ca giay to tren deu dua den qhong cong chung cua tha...
-TrungtarnDichvuvieclamtinh; *,,-Doanhnghiepphaiculaodongdilamviecbnubcngoai hoatdongtaiLamdong. XetdenghicuacacDoanhnghepphaiculaodongdilamvieconuoc ngoai.DoichieuvbiNghidinh126/2007/ND-CPngay01/8/2007cuaChinhphu quydinhchitietvahubngdanthihanhmotsodieucuaLuatNguoilaodongViet ...
Traffic share by country: hochieu.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn vs. dichvucong.gov.vn hochieu.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn vs dichvucong.gov.vn country based traffic analysis shows dichvucong.gov.vn gets the most traffic from Vietnam, while dichvucong.gov.vn gets a smaller share Top Countries VietnamKorea...