HNP Mikrosysteme develops, manufactures and markets pumps worldwide which dose small amounts of liquids fast and accurately... Discover more Products The micro annular gear pump product range consists of five different series of mzr®-pumps for dosing and metering small amounts of low to high...
HNP Mikrosysteme develops, manufactures and markets pumps worldwide which dose small amounts of liquids fast and accurately... Discover more Products The micro annular gear pump product range consists of five different series of mzr®-pumps for dosing and metering small amounts of low to high...
HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH微量泵/计量泵产品属于高精度微环形齿轮泵,适用于体积小、计算精度高的场合,翁开尔有限公司是HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH微量泵在中国地区的总代理。垂询电话:400-680-8138
大量提供:HNP Mikrosysteme 微型齿轮泵,集成系统等 微Homrich 齿轮泵,回转缸等 多种HOECKER POLYTECHNIK 废物压缩设备、吸尘器Hopf 网络时间服务器、在DIN导轨上的时钟系统、模块化的Hansen 阀门、过滤器、压力调节器、电平控制器、除霜控制Henry 安全装置、安全阀、黄铜三通阀 Henry阀门18HAHN 油泵、密封件、光学测量仪...
彗诺HNP Mikrosysteme公司介绍 德国梅克伦堡一家年轻的高科技公司 彗诺HNPM公司位于德国梅克伦堡。致力与微环形齿轮泵(mzr®-pumps)产品的研发和生产工作,从最初的构想到组装和装配,再到有效性检查。开辟新技术领域、让常规的应用变得更加简单。 公司创始于1998年最初由5个人的团队组成,发展至今已经有74名员工,...
规格型号 HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group mzr-2521 低压泵 HNP Mikrosysteme mzr-2521X1 微型泵 HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH mzr-2921 纯净水泵 HNP Mikrosysteme mzr-2921X1 微型泵 HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH mzr-4622 微型泵 HNP Mikrosysteme mzr-4622X1 纯净水泵 HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH ...
HNP Mikrosysteme磁性密封泵适用它们的构造的无轴密封,以促进结晶,空气敏感和湿气敏感介质。这个功能是由围绕所述磁驱动器中的介质分离密封外壳提供。泵的紧凑尺寸由一个完全新产品设计和具有集成的速度控制较佳协调来实现。在无泄漏,使用寿命长,功耗低是
HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH Intrduction precise pumps – smart solutions HNP Mikrosysteme develops, manufactures and markets pumps worldwide which dose small amounts of liquids fast and accurately. Micro annular gear pumps (mzr ® -pumps) make conventional applications more effective and open new technology...
品牌 hnpmikrosysteme 性能 高压 驱动方式 电动 输送介质 清水泵 泵轴位置 边立式 叶轮结构 半开式叶轮 叶轮吸入方式 单吸式 可售卖地 全国 用途 试压泵 材质 玻璃钢 型号 mzr-2505 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或...
HNP Mikrosysteme GmbHHigh-tech company from Mecklenburg-West Pomerania Micro annular gear pumps (mzr®-pumps) which make conventional applications more effective and open new technology fields are made at our location in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania from the initial idea over the construction and ...